Sexual Harassment Policy

Sexual harassment is a type of sex discrimination prohibited by Title VII of the 1964 Civil Rights Act and various state and local laws. 

AIESEC United States is committed to establishing and maintaining a work environment that is free of sexual harassment and that fosters harmonious, productive working relationships and encourages mutual respect. It is the policy of AIESEC United States to prohibit sexual harassment of its employees, nonpaid volunteers, members, external participants and consultants in the workplace by any of such persons. Sexual harassment will not be tolerated in any form whether in any Local Committee, the Member Office, a conference site or during AIESEC related events, (e.g., reception events, sales calls or working retreats). 
Sexual harassment occurs when employment decisions affecting an individual (such as hiring, firing, promotions, awards, transfers, or disciplinary action) result from submission to or rejection of unwelcome sexual conduct. For example, it is sexual harassment for a supervisor to coerce an employee or consultant into a sexual relationship with a promise of a promotion. It is also sexual harassment for a supervisor to take disciplinary action against or deny a promotion to an individual because he or she rejected sexual advances. 
Accordingly, no one may threaten, either explicitly or implicitly, that an individual's refusal to submit to sexual advances will favorably or adversely affect the individual's employment, evaluation, wages, advancement, assigned duties, shifts, or any other condition of employment or career development. 
Other sexual harassing conduct in the workplace, by any person, is also prohibited. This includes any sexually oriented conduct which has the purpose or effect of substantially interfering with an individual's work performance or which creates a hostile, intimidating or offensive working environment. Such conduct can include (but is not limited to) the following:  
1. Unwelcome sexual advances; 2. Abusive language or writing related to an individual's sex; 3. Sexually oriented comments about an individual's body; 4. Telling sexually oriented jokes or making sexually offensive comments or gestures; and 5. Showing or displaying pornographic or sexually explicit objects or pictures (including posters, cartoons, buttons or T-shirts) in the workplace. 
Any employee, nonpaid volunteer or member who believes that he or she has been the subject of sexual harassment should report the alleged act immediately to the Member Committee President. All such reports will be treated as confidential to the extent possible under the circumstances. AIESEC United States will make every effort to ensure that complaints of sexual harassment are resolved promptly and efficiently. All investigations will be conducted in an objective, impartial and confidential manner. 
A committee comprised of the MCP, two members of the Board of Directors (one of whom shall be the Chairman of the Board of Directors), and one member of the staff AIESEC United States will review suspected violations of the Policy and will apply appropriate sanctions.
AIESEC United States will not retaliate against an individual who makes a report of sexual harassment, nor permit any employee, nonpaid volunteer or member to do so. Retaliation is a very serious violation of this policy and should be reported immediately. Any employee or consultant who is found after appropriate investigation to have engaged in sexual harassment of another employee or consultant will be subject to appropriate disciplinary actions which will reflect the severity of his or her conduct. Such disciplinary action may include, but is not limited to: reprimanding the offender, referring the offender to counseling, withholding of exchange credits, temporary suspension without pay (when applicable), early termination of the position, expulsion from the conference/event, or revocation of membership.

Approved by the Board of Directors 10/96
Amended 10/98
Approved by the Board of Directors 10/98 

Alcohol Policy

AIESEC United States recognizes and is concerned with the issues of alcohol misuse on college campuses across the country and at AIESEC events. We are concerned with the health and safety of college students, the relationship between our local committees and their sponsoring colleges and universities and the potential damage to AIESEC's positive reputation. In an effort to promote a responsible attitude toward alcohol, AIESEC United States is adopting the following Policy, which shall apply to all local committees and members of AIESEC at all levels of membership. 

1. The possession, use or consumption of alcoholic beverages at an AIESEC event, in any situation sponsored or endorsed by AIESEC or the local committee, or in any event that an observer would associate with AIESEC, must be in compliance with any and all applicable laws of the state, province, county, city and institute of higher education, and must comply with either the BYOB or Third Party Vendor Guidelines. 2. All alcohol consumed at any AIESEC event (which includes events organized at the local committee level), other than Third Party Vendor Events, must be purchased and brought to the event by individuals (including AIESEC members) with valid photo ID showing proof of legal drinking age at the time they enter the event. Under no circumstances may guests or members deliver alcohol to the event before the starting time of the event. 3. Under no circumstances may AIESEC United States or a local committee use AIESEC funds for the purchase of alcohol. This prohibition extends to the donation to AIESEC United States or a local committee of large quantities of alcohol by a vendor. AIESEC's name may not appear on an invoice or receipt for alcohol. Additionally, no member may coordinate the collection of funds for the purchase of alcohol. This means that common sources of alcohol (e.g., kegs and other large containers of alcohol) will be considered in direct violation of this Policy. 4. Open parties, meaning those with unrestricted access by non-members of AIESEC, without specific invitation, shall be prohibited. 5. At an AIESEC event, no member shall openly encourage or participate in "drinking games." 6. Third Party Vendor Guidelines. When contracting with a third party vendor in order to provide services involving the serving of alcohol at an AIESEC event, the following criteria should be used: (a) The vendor must be properly licensed by the appropriate state and local authorities. This may involve both a state liquor license and a temporary license to sell on the premises where the function is to be held. (b) The vendor must be insured with a minimum of $1,000,000 of general liability insurance, evidenced by a properly completed certificate of insurance prepared by its insurance provider. The vendor's certificate of insurance must also evidence that the vendor has, as part of its insurance coverage, "off premises liquor liability coverage and non-owned and hired auto coverage." The named insured on the certificate of insurance must include, at a minimum, "AIESEC United States" and, if applicable, the name of the local committee. (c) The vendor must agree, in writing, to cash sales only, collected by the vendor, during the function. (d) The vendor must assume, in writing, all the responsibilities that any other purveyor of alcoholic beverages would assume in the normal course of business, including, but not limited to, the following: (i) Checking ID cards upon entry; (ii) Not serving individuals under the applicable local legal drinking age; (iii) Not serving individuals that appear to be intoxicated; (iv) Maintaining absolute control of all alcoholic containers present; and (v) Collecting all remaining alcohol at the end of a function (no excess alcohol - opened or unopened - is to be given, sold or furnished to AIESEC or any member).7. BYOB Guidelines. At any AIESEC event where alcohol is present, all members and guests that will be consuming alcoholic beverages must have photo ID showing proof of legal drinking age. At least one AIESEC member must remain sober at an AIESEC event where alcohol is present. Any AIESEC member or guest who is obviously inebriated should not be permitted to continue to consume alcohol. (Also see Sections 1-3). 8. Violations of the AIESEC United States Alcohol Policy will be grounds for revocation of membership. Furthermore, any incident of misbehavior in connection with the use of alcohol, including, but not limited to, any violation of any laws, destruction of property or sexual or other assault will be grounds for revocation of membership. 9. A committee comprised of the MCP, two members of the Board of Directors (one of whom shall be the Chairman of the Board of Directors), and one member of the staff of AIESEC United States will review suspected violations of the Policy and will apply appropriate sanctions. 

Approved by the Board of Directors 10/96 Revised 10/98
Approved by the Board of Directors 10/98   
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